VISION - What success looks like
Family and friends having the knowledge and confidence to help achieve and respect peoples' end of life wishes
MISSION - Why we exist
Shannon's Bridge is a charity and volunteer run organisation which helps connect patients and existing palliative care services and supports.
We believe individuals can be assisted to maintain personal control in their end of life through education, advance care planning and matching to care which respects these expressed wishes.
We are here to support you with issues about illness, dying and loss. The aim is to remove the taboo and change attitudes about death and dying. The focus is on not just a “good death” but “better living”.
Shannon’s Bridge is based on the “Compassionate Communities” international movement to help people to live well within our communities to the very end of our lives.
Shannon's Bridge believes that everyone should have access to palliative care no matter where they live.
OBJECTIVES - What we do

Shannon's Bridge was established to be a charity whose purpose is to advance social or public welfare by the constitutional objections of:
Improving literacy on death amongst the public,
Assisting people with Advance Care Plans in transition to their death,
Linking patients and families with existing palliative care services and supports,
Training volunteers to provide practical help to the public, patients, carers and their families,
To promote the education of the public with the transition from life to death.
To assist people with terminal illnesses and their families and carers in such ways that provide relief from their suffering.
We are not medically based or prescribe medications
We do not arrange Voluntary Assisted Dying but can point you in the right direction
We do not duplicate services provided by other organisations