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Advance Care Planning
This is the process of planning for future health and personal care, whereby the person’s values and preferences are made known so that they can guide decision-making at a future time when the person cannot make or communicate their decisions


ACPs Victoria

With the Medical Treatment Planning and Decisions Act 2016 enshrined in Victorian law on 12th of March 2018 - Victorians now have more say than ever in what their values or instructions are at the end of life. The Advance Care Directive means that wishes for current and future health conditions will be respected even if capacity is lost.

Advance Care Planning Forms 


MyValues is a set of specially constructed statements designed to help you identify, consider and communicate your wishes about the medical treatment you would want in the later stages of life. They have Links, resources, documents to help you complete your own plan
Record Me Now
Free app to help people to leave a loving legacy after death.
Office of Public Advocate VIC
Guidance on how to complete an Advance Care Directive, which attorney powers are appropriate as well as forms to download
Palliative Care
Care that helps you to live well with a life-limiting illness. It aims to improve your quality of life, and those caring for you. Part of the care is to provide information to help you to make important decisions about your care

Palliative Care AUS

Information, resources, links from the national peak body for palliative care 

Palliative Care VIC

Has a handy "find a palliative care service" for Victorian postcodes
Victorian Patient Transport Assistance Scheme
Victorian Patient Transport Assistance Scheme (VPTAS) covers some of the travel and accommodation costs incurred by rural Victorians when they must travel more than 100 kilometres one way for specialist medical treatment.
Voluntary Assisted Dying
Shannon's Bridge is not medically based and Voluntary Assisted Dying is a clinical (medical) option for some Victorians under certain conditions. If you need more information about Voluntary Assisted Dying please go to the and follow the links. Shannon's Bridge stands ready to support everyone, no matter how they die and for their community in their bereavement.
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