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As of the 23/03/20, The End of Life Care Hub will be closed as part of the 'non-essential services' directive from the Victorian Government. 

We are sad to have to take this step but it is necessary to try to protect our volunteers and the vulnerable people who still need support from Shannon's Bridge. Click on the button for more info.


Remember - the Hub is closed for now. 

But Shannon's Bridge is always open! 

The 'End of Life Care Hub' was started in Creswick and took place over four days from Wednesday 8th August until Saturday 11th August 2018. 

The End of Life Care Hub is part of building a Compassionate Community where everyone knows how to care for someone who is caring, dying or grieving and knows where to access supports.  

With this philosophy in mind the hope is that the EoLC Hub will be a model for other regional communities to embrace and duplicate.

The Hub has been designed to be an open and welcoming place to come and ask questions and be connected with existing services that care for people and families with terminal or life limiting illnesses. The Hub also offers assistance in honoring a persons death and to respect and support their loved ones bereavement.

The Hub works in collaboration with a number of services in the community including:


​ Funeral Planners, Reiki Masters and Masseuses, Meditation Classes (Thursdays), Mental Health workers, Counsellors, Pet Therapy and more. Workshops including Art and Grief Therapy are also offered throughout the year.

Watch social media for more details on groups and individuals working out of the EoLC Hub.



Mon - Fri 10-4pm

and outside these times by appointment

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